Sidekick Girl

Saving the City: Sans-Spandex

I miss her

Moxie was the best dog. She was smart, and gentle, and very soft. She was patient, and good. She was a healthy dog for most of her life, and when she became very sick in January and had a slim chance of pulling through, but she had a miracle and was back to her old self for another ten months. When she got sick again in late October, we had no way of knowing if treatment would work, and we were able to give her a last few days of comfort and happiness and treats before we had to put her down a few days after her 13th birthday.

I loved her so much. Everyone who ever met her loved her. She was shy with strangers, but when she got used to people she would attach herself to anyone. Sometimes it took a while for her to warm up to people, and so they would be so excited when she finally came to them for pets. There were a handful of people that were just her favorite people, and no matter how long it had been since they last came over, she would remember them and be super happy to see them. She waited by the door when it was time for people to get home from work. She would run and bring a toy.

She loved her toys. She had a mountain of squeaky stuffed things. She would throw them, squeak them, nibble them with her front teeth. She played fetch but only in the house with her soft toys. She loved chasing a laser pointer. She played with her food. She would take a nugget, throw it in the air and pounce on it, and roll around on top of it. She liked to eat when the family was in the living room, and would take a mouthful of food, go to the middle of the room, eat it, and then go back for more. She liked to be with her pack.

It’s been over two weeks, and I’m still catching myself looking for her out of the corner of my eye at odd times, or suddenly remembering again that she isn’t here when I have one last bite of toast left. I dropped some food on the floor the other day and I had to pick it all up myself. That shouldn’t be.

There will be another dog. There’s a dog-shaped hole in my heart and in my house and only another dog can fill it. But it’s a bigger hole than it’s ever been before, because she was so special. We’re going to wait til spring, when puppy season is in swing and we won’t be housetraining in the snow. But also so that things don’t hurt so much.

She’s in the comic, and she’ll be there forever. I like that. In real life she was too skittish and shy to ever have been a service dog. But our comic is about superheroes, and she can be super, too.

4 responses to “The Best of Dogs”

  • CaptRory on November 25, 2020 at 3:21 PM

    T_T *HUG*

  • C. on November 26, 2020 at 5:56 AM

    I’m sorry for your loss. Our furry friends never do live long enough, and they leave a huge hole in our lives when they’re gone. But there’s nothing like the unconditional love and friendship they give us.

  • Kraziekat on November 26, 2020 at 9:10 AM

    *squish* Loosing a family member will always hurt, so take as much time for yourself as you need. When it doesn’t hurt, may I request more Moxie tales? Either version?

  • Kiatana on December 1, 2020 at 12:16 AM

    I’m so sorry for your loss. She was such a pretty dog.

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