Sidekick Girl

Saving the City: Sans-Spandex

Every day is Halloween

Classroom background photos provided the the Actual Mr B

17 responses to “Making It III”

  • Daniel M Ball on May 20, 2020 at 6:25 PM

    yeah, this is not going to go well.

  • Foradain on May 21, 2020 at 8:35 PM

    I’m so hoping that you were right about being wrong, but so far it’s not looking like it…

  • Daniel M Ball on May 22, 2020 at 8:08 AM

    I’m hoping I read it wrong…somewhere and somehow.

  • Daniel M Ball on May 22, 2020 at 8:15 AM

    After much discussion, Laura and Erika have determined that it is in the best interest of the community that this post be removed. Anyone who wishes to discuss the complicated issues surrounding this comic should do so on the latest published page.

  • Gilly on May 22, 2020 at 12:44 PM

    Maybe this is the catalyst for Val getting to make systemic change, when she find out Break is basically forcing Tim to be a villian because that is all she sees him as and the only way to try to escape is to be a villian – hopefully it goes bad before the Villian agency gets to him.

  • Daniel M Ball on May 23, 2020 at 9:34 AM

    After much discussion, Laura and Erika have determined that it is in the best interest of the community that this post be removed. Anyone who wishes to discuss the complicated issues surrounding this comic should do so on the latest published page.

  • Byrdie on May 24, 2020 at 11:06 AM

    I think you really want to write a story of a kid who is the victim of circumstance and forced back into a life of crime and then kills himself tragically. So you should totally do that. Write the story you want to see in the world! And publish it on your own comic or blog or whathaveyou.

    But if you actually want to post theories about THIS story, instead of writing pages and pages of stuff that you freely admit are not good and unlikely to happen, how about you review the material so that you’re a) not basing your theories off of incorrect data, and b) not basing your theories off of a mass of unfounded assumptions that you have just decided are true. Cuz seriously, like 99% of what you have written is stuff that you have made up yourself that has zero basis in what the comic has actually presented, and some of it is outright wrong.

    This kid is not a victim. He is not a Soft Boi Cinnamon Roll who is SO OPPRESSED by the Unjust System with nowhere to go and no choice but to go back to crime just because he made a Sad Face when he got out of Juvie. And Break isn’t the bad guy because she, as a blue card hero, is keeping an eye on her actual nemesis who has gotten out and reoffended AT LEAST once since we last saw him. You can think she’s being kind of a bitch about it (I do think that) but you can’t suggest that he’s too young and immature to consider his actions but she’s not. She’s not “basically forcing” him into anything. You know the ONLY thing he has to do to not be a “villain forever?” Stop being a villain. Quit building devices of mass destruction. Boom, done. The only thing he’s suffering from is Affluenza, nothing else.

  • Daniel M Ball on May 24, 2020 at 6:17 PM

    After much discussion, Laura and Erika have determined that it is in the best interest of the community that this post be removed. Anyone who wishes to discuss the complicated issues surrounding this comic should do so on the latest published page.

  • Sidekickgirl on May 25, 2020 at 2:07 AM

    And the God of the comic did come down from the heavens and say “cool they jets,” and lo, the jets, they cooled. Amen.

    For serious, the tone is getting uncool. Typically we let y’all bicker to your hearts’ content, but I think we’ve had enough.

    We also typically don’t correct misconceptions, as doing so might interfere with plot stuff, and letting you misdirect each other suits our Nefarious Purposes.

    However, it seems like now might be a good time to experiment with something we have never done before: answering questions about canon. If you would like to clarify something you are unsure you have read or confirm your interpretation of the archives in some way, now is the time. Take advantage of it; I cannot promise that we will like how this goes and let it continue. Obviously I’m not going to give away seeeeecrets, but I am willing to confirm or deny facts that could be picked up from an archive crawl. (You’re stuck with me for these shenaigans bc Laura is back at work, and my furloughed butt welcomes distractions from laundry and the RPG system I should be writing.)

    I will start with some very basic ones from this arc to get you going. Yes, Break is a full Blue Card Official hero and has been since her first appearance. Her only power is the detection of structural weakness. Make is/was a full Red Card Official villain. The only mention of his abilities in the comic is Break calling him a “garden variety super genius builder.” His cast page bio lists “genius inventor and engineer” in the powers section, but it has never been established if his abilities are an actual POWER, or if he’s just a genius.

    There you go, have at it. I do think that it has ceased to be productive to put forth predictions we believe to be untrue. I think that road has been thoroughly explored. Let’s restrict ourselves to speculating about what WILL happen. Unless you want to speculate about Amanda Palmer and Matt Mercer calling us up for the collabs of our dreams. THAT sounds great.

    I am very late for bed and am going to sleep….do not make me regret.

  • Daniel M Ball on May 25, 2020 at 7:01 AM

    Amanda Palmer AND Matt Mercer? hm. interesting.

  • Daniel M Ball on May 25, 2020 at 7:41 AM

    I have to admit some curiosity though:

    Everyone else with a Blue Card thus far that we’ve seen had to attend mandatory training that took years, and included formal placement after they’d finished growing to adulthood. (Thus, why Sparkle, who had lackluster performance, and Valerie, whose body didn’t develop the..erm…assets, were placed as ‘Sidekick’.)

    so how does issuing a blue-card to a little kid actually WORK on an ethical and/or legal level? it’s easy to see that the Villain side would be unethical enough to recruit someone young/immature, but putting a full-on blue card on someone in grade school or junior high who isn’t even old enough to have had the time to be given the basic training? Isn’t that a little bit on the scale of employing child soldiers? (along with all the juicy, juicy psychological traumas that come to kids being put on the front lines in combat)

    How do you sign up your kid for that? What kind of parent would sign off on that? (Red card’s different-bad parenting seems like the default there.)

  • Sidekickgirl on May 25, 2020 at 1:53 PM

    Probably the same way everything else in the agency works: with a giant binder of Paperwork.

    This is a comic about superhero genre tropes, and one of those tropes is kids getting powers and becoming heroes. There could potentially be a deeper bakstory about the nitty gritty of how that happens, if she was a main character, but she’s not.

    And NO. A kid getting powers and deciding to be a hero in a universe where that can be a thing is NOT the same AT ALL as a kid getting kidnapped, his entire family being murdered, and then being forced to commit war crimes.

    We do have characters who have suffered trauma as children/young adults. That’s part of storytelling. None of those characters are in this arc. And we certainly aren’t sitting down during plotting time to wring “juicy juicy psychological traumas” out of child characters.

  • Daniel M Ball on May 25, 2020 at 9:23 PM

    nevermind, i’m out.

  • Charles Stoltz on May 28, 2020 at 11:20 AM

    Well that got heated. It was an interesting back and forth. I do have a question though, if you are still answering. Is Break following him in an official capacity as a hero or is she doing it of her own accord?

  • Sidekickgirl on May 28, 2020 at 2:52 PM

    She started off in her uniform, so official is a pretty good bet.

  • Daniel M Ball on May 28, 2020 at 9:54 PM

    After much discussion, Laura and Erika have determined that it is in the best interest of the community that this post be removed. Anyone who wishes to discuss the complicated issues surrounding this comic should do so on the latest published page.

  • Sidekickgirl on May 31, 2020 at 11:45 AM

    Comments for this comic have been locked. Discussions on this arc and the complicated issues that have been brought up should take place on the latest published page.

The comments are closed.

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