Here we go, back to comicing
Freezer on January 21, 2020 at 9:48 PM
Vladimir Zhivanevskaya on January 22, 2020 at 12:55 AM
It was a monumental effort, but I caught up, finally.
Not because of anything to do with the story–my OCD just makes it stressful to navigate the pages. I’m really enjoying the story 🙂
As per the current arc…it’s rough because I agree with Val, but I can see Isauro’s dilemma when she confronts him–he *had* to reveal himself there, because to do otherwise would make it even worse. Then again, he’s been hiding it for a year(?) at least, and their relationship is pretty serious. He seems to be making the mistake (well, I think of it as one, anyways) of feeling he needs to “protect” Val from his problems, which essentially boils down to a lack of trust in her.
To really trust someone, and then to find out that they don’t trust *you*?
Then again, for Val it might be even harder to take. She’s been losing faith in the agency, in the system, and now finds out that her faith in Isauro is also built on sand. Would she have acted differently if she wasn’t in a bad place already?
Isauro must have that feeling that we all get–being found out in a lie, and having to face the consequences, and knowing it’s all your fault. You can justify all the little things you do in the moment, and even see how you thought them good ideas at the time, but afterwords it all seems so…lackluster. He had a good thing, and didn’t want to risk it for the truth. Maybe he’s thinking he should have just smacked Val through a wall and then run away, never revealing his identity…but then he’d have even more shit hanging over his head.
Aiyaiyai, I’m really anxious to see where this goes. I hope they can reconcile and become–if not what they once were–at least friends again.
The Passing Critic on January 23, 2020 at 5:46 AM
In short Vals pissy cause someones been heroing without all the bs of the hero agency while shes been trying to work within a system that cares more about selling toys than saving lives and had any career hopes that were left inside of her incinerated by orbital strike by the agency outright admitting shes always going to be the Zoidberg of the group dispite being the most competent person in the hero agency period.
Vals being colossally unfair to Isauro and this is definately going to end badly if she doesnt get over herself.In a wierd way this archs actually proven that just like most of her coworkers shes not worthy of the title of hero either.
Dr. Mercurious on January 30, 2020 at 7:42 PM
billydaking that’s just it — he can’t. She’s shown time and time again she’s a yes ma’am to the many MANY flaws of the hero agency. She’s most likely arrest him which would get him deported.
billydaking on February 10, 2020 at 12:41 PM
Dr. Mercurious–The very fact that she’s in a deep relationship with him loudly disproves that view.
Tim on January 25, 2020 at 8:56 AM
Guys…it has nothing to do with politics or the agency or anything superhero related.
It has everything to do with the fact that Isauro *lied* to her. Hell, he’s been decieving her the entire time. He didn’t trust her enough to tell her what was going on, about the very thing he should have trusted her with, and she had to find out the hard way. Val is a heroine who has already broken the rules by having a relationship with a villain. She’s the one person he could have turned to…SHOULD have turned to. That Isauro didn’t is completely and utterly stupid on his part.
You do that to somebody who you’re supposedly in a deep, long-term relationship, you will destroy that relationship. Everything that they’ve built together turned out to be built on sand, because one of them wasn’t being honest.
Val’s reaction is extremely human. And justified.
–Tim aka billydaking
Foradain on January 25, 2020 at 9:02 PM
We’re talking pics of Moxie, not of the biopsies, right? ^_^
Impact on December 10, 2021 at 3:54 AM
She didn’t have to find out the hard way though, not really.
Isauro decided to come clean about it. If he didn’t, she’d have never known it was him even still.
Still not quite sure why Val considers this such a betrayal.