Exclamations of shock, GO!
TheGeek on January 29, 2014 at 3:47 AM
Spliced on January 29, 2014 at 3:55 AM
I think he’s feeling it now
Darkfyre99 on January 29, 2014 at 6:29 AM
I don’t think he’s feeling much of anything anymore.
Word of advice to would-be villains out there: when you’re horribly outclassed by the hero, and the offer you a chance to surrender, take it!
Unless, of course, you can control your own dead or crippled body like you do those of others.
Syncline on January 29, 2014 at 7:00 AM
Really, is anyone surprised that DarkVal is Dark?
She’s gotta be a popular meme for grumpy over there.
How do you apply for a purple antihero card?
You know, the one that lets you casually kill disarmed lippy duchebags.
BloodPlum on January 29, 2014 at 4:56 PM
Hey, she gave him a chance. She could of just killed him.
Syncline on January 30, 2014 at 8:17 AM
It’s a theory. He also changed his mind. He was also disarmed.
Watch what happens when the local police try that shit in your town.
Of course, BRVal is a super powered force of nature, so ‘restraint’, ‘reasonable use of force’ and ‘morals’ are not very deep water on her sonar.
Syncline on January 30, 2014 at 8:20 AM
It’s a theory. He also changed his mind. He was also disarmed.
Watch what happens when the local police try that shit in your town.
Of course, BRVal is a super powered force of nature, so ‘restraint’, ‘reasonable use of force’ and ‘morals’ are not very deep water on her sonar.
WordPress is acting very strange when I try to post.
Syncline on January 30, 2014 at 8:18 AM
It’s a theory. He also changed his mind. He was also disarmed.
Watch what happens when the local police try that shit in your town.
Of course, BRVal is a super powered force of nature, so ‘restraint’, ‘reasonable use of force’ and ‘morals’ are not very deep water on her sonar.
C. Mage on January 30, 2014 at 8:35 AM
Well, let’s face it: this IS the woman who engineered a series of circumstances to kidnap a genetic twin out of her own reality, show her all this, then basically use her as a single-use key. Afterwards, the person that key just unlocked turns to the key in question and asks, “Are you still here?”
With great power comes great douchebaggery.
Syncline on January 30, 2014 at 10:55 PM
Crap. It kept giving me errors, and not showing a post when I updated.
Sorry about that. Any chance we will ever get an “edit” or “delete” button?
pistkitty on January 31, 2014 at 6:24 AM
“It’s a theory. He also changed his mind. He was also disarmed.
Watch what happens when the local police try that shit in your town.”
Take a casual stroll around the internet and I think you will find the answer to that question is typically “get off with no punishment”. So art imitating life.
Syncline on February 2, 2014 at 12:08 AM
Yes, it does happen. That’s why it’s ‘news’ rather than ‘normal’.
The Wyrm Ouroboros on February 3, 2014 at 11:10 PM
I wouldn’t say ‘disarmed’; he still had his power. He was GIVEN a chance to surrender, declined (almost violently so), and when the consequences of that refusal were made apparent, tried to weasel his way out of it. I don’t think he’s dead; I think he’s gotten his limbs (and maybe a bunch of ribs) shattered so that he will not be doing this again.
‘By their works ye shall know them’ – up until this, does the society that the Light and the Dark forged look like one in which casual murder by supers is ‘a thing’? It looks to me that overall, the society is extraordinarily good – and that the heroes are overwhelmingly in the majority, as compared to most super worlds where every one hero has a whole roster of bad guys just for himself. Hell, they even have ultra-boring heroic IDs – they’re using military call-signs.
Syncline on February 6, 2014 at 8:22 AM
Sorry you are having to move suddenly- I’ve been there and it’s awful. The older you are and the more things you own, the worse it is.
As for updates, we’ll live. Life takes priority.
If it really bothers youto be putting it on a back burner, ask artist friends who read SKG to do a few guest pages and consider it a well earned vacation, and you will stress and worry far less about it.
We will all be here when things go back to normal.
Can we help financially?
Or is it more like you need a 20-man pizza/beer-fueled moving brigade?
Chaos on February 6, 2014 at 10:43 PM
I think this is an instance where we need to discard our typical notions of morality and concepts of right and wrong for superheros. Not all can be Superman. In this case, the punishment must fit the crime, and with as much destruction and suffering as this guy has brought upon the city, it’s only fair to those that he killed that his death be far from quick and painless.
Greywolf1963 on February 16, 2021 at 4:56 AM
He has demonstrated a willingness to casually kill those in his way and turn them into weapons against their friends. Keep in mind all those dead bodies he was controlling were part of The Dark’s team, the ones assigned to protect her temple, and his plan included using her as a weapon against the city and possibly the world. I would not call him disarmed, so much as out gunned. And even with all that, she still offered him the chance to surrender. A “Don’t kill” policy sounds really nice on paper, but think of how many people would have lived longer lives had Batman snapped the Joker’s neck instead of him being placed in the asylum everytime he escaped.
Well he’s going to feel that in the morning.